Their story, but a peek into my own heart...

I found an interview with Todd & Angie Smith recently, one they had done after the birth and death of their daughter, Audrey Caroline.  Their circumstances were not exactly the same as ours, but the emotions are strikingly similar.  As I watched the video, I found myself agreeing involuntarily with both tears and the nodding of my head.  Nothing I have seen, read or heard since Kristen died matches my own thoughts so closely.  It is their story - a story of hope - but it is also a peek into my own heart.

Smith Family Story from Cross Point Church on Vimeo.

If you're not familiar with the Smiths, Todd is part of Selah, a Dove award-winning Christian recording group.  (I saw them in Omaha in October 2009.  They are amazing!)  Angie continues to write her blog, Bring the Rain, which she started when she was pregnant with Audrey. She also has a book, I Will Carry You, coming out in May 2010.


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